Releasing & Remembering
We will come together via Zoom for 90 minutes, this Monday evening, 2/24…at 7PM EST.
This container will allow space for the New Moon energies to settle into your soul, offering some much needed Mercury Retrograde nervous system support and nourishment. Sometimes this energy can feel overwhelming and bring in confusion if awareness is not active. On the other hand, it can be an amazing creative time if we harness the flow and learn to sit with the uneasy.
I created this space for you to release and remember, welcoming the newness that’s knocking on your door. Let’s bringing in awareness and open space for creation. And creation = joy.
Join me.
What to expect in 90 minutes -
We will spend a few minutes in the beginning of our time together connecting with the group via introductions, and asking any questions you may have.
Find a quiet space, where release you can release emotions.
This practice is done lying down. So you will want to make sure you have prepared your area before hand. You may be on a bed, on the floor, just making sure you are comfortable, have a blanket, and some water nearby.
We will breathe for about 30-35 minutes.
When we are done, there’s a 10-15 minute integration time, then we will reconvene together.
I will take a few minutes to answer any questions and allow space for you to share if you feel called to do so.
Exchange ~ $33