Moon Church at Max Patch
For several years, one of my heart’s desires has been to create a local woman’s circle, coming together alongside the moon cycles in support and nourishment of each other. I have tried this in several shapes and forms and nothing has really stuck. Recently, I have been looking for spaces to rent, and places to hold this desire…a-n-d nothing. This week, it all landed.
The message = “Go outside and hold them in the woods.” And well…that’s what we are going to do, weather permitting.
So, once a month, on the Sunday nearest the chosen potent lunation phase, we will come together for a morning of hiking, community, + releasing or intention ceremony, & MORE.
We will be starting on 2/5, for the Full Moon in Leo.
We will come together this Sunday morning, to be in communion with one another and get into the woods and on the mountain tops to do so.
Wear your weather appropriate hiking gear, bring your tea/coffee/water + notebook/pen, and join us!
We will hike in (all easy hikes around the Asheville area) and spend some time in circle, conversing on all things related to the Lunar phase + creating our intentions and/or releasing-s under the cosmos.
These are open to all levels and all types of humans.
I will supply the conversation starters, gentle movement, breathwork, hiking locations, plant medicines, and altar gifts each month.
This time is intended to support rhythmic and cyclical awareness + deepening your roots into Mother Earth & the Cosmic Sky. “As above, so below.”
This time is intended to gently nourish our personal healing work.
Limited to 10 women.
Cost for each is $33
How to get to Max Patch, click here.
Dates and locations through Summer Solstice TBA soon!