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Release, remember, and return to joy.


The Healing Farm is a boutique healing experience nestled in the Smoky Mountains.

It is more than a cultivation of plants. It is an all-encompassing healing container — a transformative space, where you can let go, be liberated, and discover a life of love & truth.


Design your path to healing. 

Through herbal remedies, collective gatherings, written + spoken words, and one-on-one guidance, you can unlock your internal knowing — where your most alive self resides. 

It’s always an inside-to-out healing experience. And it starts here. 


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notes of wisdom & learning through storytelling & creativity.


I believe we are meant to live our life from wholeness and healing, fully expressing our soul’s innate knowing.


Meet the woman behind The Healing Farm, Katie Schomberg. 

We are being asked to show up for ourselves in a real, completely authentic way, releasing the layers of conditioning. I know when we choose this, healing happens and we begin to shift. And this has a trickling effect, releasing big change within our families and ultimately, the world. This journey is about seeing ourselves, owning our truth, and returning home.

My heart is to guide you home into a life of freedom. Walking alongside each one of you via the journey of self-discovery, I believe we can return to the sacred space within. It’s all about the remembering — aka, the bringing it all back together. I believe this magic is what heart-centered living is all about.

I am out of the quicksand that held me captive for a number of years! Katie guided me to my own empowerment in order to move forward and take action on my calling.
— Orsika